安太成,教授,博导,广东工业大学校学术委员会主任、情况健康与污染控制研究院院长,广东省情况催化与健康危害控制重点实验室主任;竦媒逃砍そд摺⒅榻д吆***万人计划,***杰出青年科学基金、科技部科技领军人才、“广东特支计划”杰出人才和科技领军人才、广东省五一劳动奖章获得者等。恒久从事新兴有机污染物的情况地球化学历程与健康效应、光化学与光催化迁移转化与危害消减机理方面的研究事情,重点开展有关情况水体和大气中迫害有机物的情况催化净化消除与污染控制原理及其区域健康危害削减等方面的研究事情,在海内外高水平期刊上(如PNAS、EES、EST等)宣布SCI收录论文300余篇,被SCI引用7000余次。2014-2018年连续五年入选爱思唯尔中国高被引学者榜单(情况科学类),主持***杰出青年科学基金、***自然科学基金重点项目、广东省珠江本土立异团队项目和广东省教育厅立异团队项目等。目前为Applied Catalysis B: Environmental和Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology (CREST)副主编及其他多个国际SCI学术刊物编委和客座主编,目前还担当国际情况地球化学与健康学会(SEGH)亚太地区主席及其首批会士、中爱联盟中方主席、SEGH2017国际大会主席、国际情况毒理与化学会全球化学咨询组专家组成员等。
陈江耀,博士,广东工业大学情况科学与工程学院教授、硕士生导师,广东工业大学情况健康与污染控制研究院院长助理,广州韦德亚洲环?萍脊煞萦邢薰究萍颊樟,广东工业大学-韦德亚洲环保光催化技术集成与装备研发实验室焦点研发人员。主要从事情况大气中有机污染物光催化消除与污染控制原理方面的基础与应用研究事情。已主持和完成***自然科学基金、广东省自然科学基金和广州市珠江科技新星专项等8项项目。在海内外情况领域的高水平期刊上如Appl. Catal. B-Environ., J. Hazard. Mater.等宣布种种学术论文33篇,其中SCI收录论文28篇(***和通讯作者15篇)。申请***发明专利17件(授权10件),实用新型专利1件(授权1件),专利科技结果转让企业生产实施2件,转让经费抵达60余万元。
刘宏利,博士,广东工业大学情况科学与工程学院讲师,广东工业大学-韦德亚洲环保光催化技术集成与装备研发实验室焦点研发人员。主要从事新型高效光催化剂的制备及其在光催化降解大气中挥发性有机污染物方面的应用研究。在海内外相关领域的高水平期刊上(如Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., J. Mater. Chem. A等)宣布SCI论文21篇,SCI总引200余次,有1 篇论文入选ESI 高被引论文,申请***发明专利4件,授权***发明专利1件,主持和完成***、省部级等科研项目5项,并作为主要成员加入***自然科学基金重点项目、***自然科学基金***青年科学基金项目等多个项目。
President John Bryson served as an executive at the Searle/Will Ross company for several years prior to the formation of Vaportek ,Inc.,in 1979 .Photo by Jack Hamilton.
tion of odors that veterinarians had to temper its strength to keep from completely eliminating all odors. Because animals use their sense of smell in recognition ,even in mating,the elimintion of all odors for them proved to be confusing.
With the success of the Plastocon products,larger units for industrial use ,such as tanneries, sewage treatment plants and major manufacturing firms,were developed.
The concept of the original 'bread box 'model was translated into the larger industrial models.The same princple applies. Odors are erased,not masked,by a controlld emission of a dry vapor from a plastic cartridge containing a special formula of aromatic compounds.
In areas of intense odor problems such as sewage treatment plants ,it is vital to achieve the proper neutralizing vapor for the bonding of the malodorous segment .Because each situation calls for different levels of treatment, it is best to determine on sight not only the size of the opening for the vapor to be released but also the number of cartidges to handle the problem. In addition, if the objectionable odor has permeated substances in the area ,a greater need for the neutralizing vapor is needed at the outset than on anongoing basis.
The unit installed at the Beloit plant uses 60 cartridges and is designed so tha the number can be increased to 96 ,should the need arise.
In 1974 WILL Ross was purchased by the G.D Searle Company ,a Chicago-based drug manufacturing firm .The company was subsequently renamed Searle /Will Ross.In 1979 ,its management announced plans to move the filrm from Milwaukee to Dallas ,Tax.
That announcement did not sit well with Bryson.'I just didn't want to leave Wisconsin ,'he explains.'At the risk of sounding like an agent of the ideal place to live and raise a family.'
'I made an offer to Searle /Will Ross to purchase its Ventures Division, which controlled the Plastocon line,and keep it here in Wisconsin .Since I was already heading the division ,and since we were the only people in the company that really had an intimate association with the Plastocon concept and marketing program,we were in an advantageous position.
'Searle/Will Ross agreed to my offer.At the time ,they were also selling the Plastocon plastic company subsidiary ,and the new owners wanted to keep the name Plastocon.
Thus we had to come up with a new name ,and that name became Vaportek ,'Bryson said.
The actual name of the new company ,Vaportek,Inc., came into being in December 1979.Today Vaportek offers a line of six odor control models plus other related products.
As of this date ,Vaportek products are being sold in every state of the union ,in several foreign countries including Great Britain,France , Italy,West Germany ,Sweden,Japan, Australia and New Zealand.They are found in sewage treament plants,tanneries,manufacturing plants of various descripition ,plants of various description ,hospitals-both human and animal, restaurants, doctor's and dentist's offices ,schools and homes,to name but a few.
'A primary reason for our rapid growth has been the extremely competent staff at Searle/Will Ross who agreed to stay on with me at Vaportek ,'Bryson pointed out.'
As a privately held company, Bryson is understandably reluctant to reveal sales figures.He did say ,however ,that sales have more than tripled in the past year.
Considering the present state of the economy ,that's quite an achievement.